Adding PRINTgenie Mailers to your GoHighLevel Workflows
      • 03 Jan 2024
      • 1 Minute to read
      • Contributors
      • Dark

      Adding PRINTgenie Mailers to your GoHighLevel Workflows

      • Dark

      Article summary

      You can easily connect PRINTgenie to your Go High Level account. Simply find the Webhook icon next to any mailer under your PRINTgenie Marketplace.


      Open your GHL workflow and click on add action, then select Webhook. Copy and paste the code to the URL field once the Webhook settings pop-up. (TIP: Rename the Action Name field by copying the name of your mailer so you have a detailed reference. In the sample below, we used Get Cash Offer 01) then hit Save Action.

      GHL webhook without custom.JPG

      IF you need to add Custom data to your mailer (such as promo code, case #, sale date etc..), you may do so, by adding a custom field to your GHL account. Just go to your GHL settings and look for Custom Fields.

      In this presentation, we'll use "Promo Code" as an example for Custom 1.


      After entering the webhook details to the URL section, hit SAVE ACTION. No need to touch anything under the CUSTOM DATA field in your GHL Workflow's Webhook Settings. Instead, copy the custom data code from GHL and paste it into your PRINTgenie textbox. Note that this time, you won't be choosing Custom Field 1-10.

      custom ghl promo.JPG

      Once you're done, hit OK. This will take you to the Template Proof page, providing a preview of how your mailer will appear once it's printed.


      Type the details you wish to place there then hit PROOF.


      If you're pleased with how everything looks and it meets your expectations, go ahead ​and hit APPROVE & SAVE.

      Congratulations! you're all set. Your mailer is now ready to hit the road and make a positive impact.

      See video here:

      Learn more about adding Webhooks to your Go High Level account here.