Are the text messages that PRINTgenie send out as part of a campaign TCPA compliant?
      • 01 Oct 2023
      • 1 Minute to read
      • Contributors
      • Dark

      Are the text messages that PRINTgenie send out as part of a campaign TCPA compliant?

      • Dark

      Article summary

      Are the text messages that PRINTgenie sends out as part of a campaign TCPA compliant?

      We use Twilio.. YES, they are TCPA compliant.
      However, if your text messages are more than 133 characters and contain a lot of links, a carrier such as ATT and Verizon will block your messages.

      All recipients can OPT OUT at any time. They will no longer receive text messages from you, however the other touches in the campaign will continue as intended.

      See more here: