What is Title Case?
      • 25 Sep 2021
      • 1 Minute to read
      • Contributors
      • Dark

      What is Title Case?

      • Dark

      Article summary

      In title case, major words are capitalized, and most minor words are lowercase
      We clean your list and convert  ALL CAPS to Title Case.

      If you submit data that looks like this:
      123 WHISPER WIND DR.
      SAN DIEGO, CA 92019

      We will convert it to:
      Mike Smith
      123 Whisper Wind Dr.
      San Diego, CA 92019

      We do this to keep the authentic and personal value.

      We don't want to mail a letter that says:
      Dear MIKE SMITH, I want to work with you.

      We'd like to send a personalized letter like this:
      Dear Mike, I want to work with you.

      It's more personal.