Uploading your artwork
      • 10 Jan 2024
      • 1 Minute to read
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      Uploading your artwork

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      Article summary

      Uploading your own artwork into PRINTgenie is easy, however you'll want to make sure you are designing your artwork using our spec guide that can be found here.

      A few tips to consider while you're building your artwork on another platform.

      1. The following file types are available for upload: .JPG or .PNG
      2. Resolution (DPI) (Dots Per Inch) should be at least 250 DPI so the quality remains intact.
      3. Variable text and images. Leave any variable fields off your artwork as you'll want to use PRINTgenies' versatile dynamic variable data engine defined by merge tags already availble from within the Design Studio. {{ merge tag }}
      4. Learn more about variable merge tags here.

      Watch this simple video to help you better understand how to add your own artwork as a direct mail template.

      Short version:

      Long version:

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